There has been a slight scheduling change for the BBB/GBB DH versus Northwestern in Roscoe on Saturday. The JV games will no longer be played at the same time due to a shortage of officials. The new schedule will be as follows:
1:00 PM - Girls JV
2:15 PM - Boys JV
3:30 PM - Girls Varsity
5:00 PM - Boys Varsity
Times are approximate as we will use a rolling schedule.

Due to extremely cold temperatures and wind chill, Edmunds Central Schools will be starting TWO HOURS LATE tomorrow, Tuesday, February 11th. There will be NO PRESCHOOL. Middle and high school students will begin the day with 2nd Period and have a modified morning schedule. While temperatures are expected to increase throughout the day, the early morning hours will remain very cold. Please ensure that your students are dressed appropriately with hats, gloves, and layers. Stay safe and warm!

Congratulations to the Edmunds Central One-Act team for receiving several awards at tonight's SDHSAA State One-Act Festival awards. Superior Technical Drama award for stage & costume design/lights & sound. Superior Ensemble award for Circus Sideshow: Theo Haerter, Eden Weiland, Lily Roth, Sophia Kroll, and Jillian Fischer. Superior Performer award - Kelsey Sowards

I Hate Winter

We invite you to join us for the Missoula Children's Theatre production of Treasure Island tomorrow, Saturday, February 1st at 4:00 pm and 6:30 pm in our fine arts gymnasium.

Cupid & Queen of Hearts

Congratulations to the E.C. One-Act team for advancing to the SDHSAA State One-Act Festival! Four performers received SDHSAA Outstanding Performer awards. Congratulations to Kearstin Pietz, Chase Bukaske, Grace Roth, and Kelsey Sowards.

It was a busy and successful evening inside the walls of Edmunds Central. We had a full house for our chili cook-off and F.O.C.U.S. Showcase.
Thank you to everyone that attended this event and thank you to all who entered their chili!! Congratulations to the winners!
Best overall = Grace Roth
Tongue Burner = Chad Simes
Most unique = Nicole Beyers
People's Choice = Tate Bukaske

"We'll Be Right Back After This Murder" will be presented tomorrow at 4:30 p.m. and 7 p.m.! Join us for a performance full of hilarious characters and laughs!

It's getting chilly outside and our E.C. Library readers are enjoying Halloween reads by the cozy and warm campfire!
🔥Reading builds brains🔥
🔥It only takes 15 minutes a day🔥

The EC junior class would like thank the Roscoe Fire Dept. for giving them the opportunity to earn money for their senior trip by washing all the fire trucks. We appreciate the support for our trip!

In honor of hosting author, Dan Gemeinhart, yesterday, the school library held a bookmark contest. The students had to use different elements that followed a theme or were associated with one of Dan's books. All winning bookmarks will be professionally printed and available in the library's for all students. Congratulations to all of these students for submitting winning designs!

Today was Dan Gemeinhart day at E.C.! We have eagerly and excitedly been waiting for our author visit with Dan since spring!
We enjoyed large and small group presentations, a writing workshop, and a read-a-loud from his book The Honest Truth.
We loved watching students face off in a "Who Said It - Dan G. or T. Swift?" competition and all the classes enjoyed spending time in small group sessions with Q&As with Dan.
This was truly a day that will not be forgotten!
We are so grateful to have had Dan join us at Edmunds Central!

Please click on the included link to view the district cell phone policy acknowledgement form. The form outlines the current cell phone policy, how cell phones will be handled in the classroom, and consequences for not abiding by the policy. If you have not yet signed and returned this form to the school office, we kindly ask that you do so as soon as possible. The form can also be found in the "Forms" folder located under the "Documents" link on the main menu of the school district website. https://5il.co/2u05u

Please click on the included link to view a letter containing information regarding staffing and schedule changes for the 2024-25 school year. The letter is also available in the "Letters" folder located under the "Documents" link on the main menu of the school district website. https://5il.co/2u05s

Pots of gold and rainbows make everyone smile! The first grade class loved creating pots of gold in their art hour yesterday.
🌈 ☘️

Heard during kindergarten library today...
"Tuesdays are my favorite day. We get to come to the library and it has a million books!" 📚 🥰❤️
Every day in the library is a good day.

Congratulations to the North Central Thunder Cross Country teams on outstanding performances at the Region 4A Meet in Chamberlain yesterday afternoon. The boys placed 2nd as a team and the girls placed 4th. With their 2nd place finish, the entire boys team will be moving on the the State A Cross Country Meet in Sioux Falls on October 21st. Individual place winners for the boys are as follows: Gabe Johnson (9th), Anthony Miller (14th), Avery Wells (15th), Drew Arbach (16th), Aaron Ingerson (26th), and Jason Arbach (30th). For the girls team, Melanie Dallenbach (17th) and Grace Roth (19th) advanced to the State Meet with Top 20 finishes. Additionally, Theo Haerter and Noah Ingerson place 1st and 2nd, respectively, in the boys JV race.

EC FFA members attended their first contests, Land & Range Judging, on 9/27 in Webster. Grant F, Krist S, and Anthony M competed in Land Judging; while Cash A competed in Range Judging. Both teams represented well, Cash earned a bronze rating at the contest.
Congratulations to those who competed, we look forward to seeing more successes as contests continue into the fall!

The Edmunds Central School District is in search of bus drivers for the 2023-24 school year. If you or anyone you know is interested in driving bus, please contact Superintendent Kevin Kunz (287-4251 or kevin.kunz@k12.sd.us).